Friday, February 25, 2011

Full of Goodness

It's the weekend, and we got hit with snow again. Wouldn't this be a great time to gather your kids, or invite some friends over and bake these amazing cookies together??
These were quite possibly the best cookies I have ever made. I was sitting in the kitchen trying to figure out what to bake. I wanted cookies, but something a little different. And Voila! Here's what I came up with. 
They were chewy, gooey, peanut buttery, and full of chocolate chunks! As with all of my "recipes" I really don't measure, so the following measurements are approximate. 
Give it a whirl - you won't be sorry!
 *Full of Goodness Cookies*
3/4 c butter
1 c peanut butter
1 c brown sugar
1/2 c sugar
1/2 t salt
1 t baking soda
1 1/3 c flour
1 cup oats
2 eggs
1 t pure vanilla
12 chocolate chunks

In a mixer blend together butter, peanut butter, brown sugar and sugar until fluffy. In a separate bowl mix salt, baking soda, flour and add gradually to batter. Add vanilla and eggs. Stir in chocolate chunks.
(These cookies have oats but they are not full of oats. If you like a lot of oats in your cookies just add more!)
Drop onto an ungreased cookie sheet and bake at 375 for 7-9 minutes. (I love my cookies slightly under baked so they are a bit gooey in the center. I usually only bake mine for 6 - 7 min.)
Let cool on racks and enjoy!


  1. mmm. steph, if i buy you guys plane tickets, would you come to my house and make a few of your yummy chocolate items for us?

  2. the name of those cookies say it all they are definetly full of goodness

  3. Looks delicious! Good luck!

  4. Mmmm, those looks SO very very veeerrrry good!!!

  5. Oh I want some. But right now, I am not eating sugar. Darn. But maybe some day!

  6. These look delicious! Thanks for linking up!!

  7. These look SO good!! Thanks for sharing. I'm featuring these in my Flaunt it Friday Features. Please stop by and grab an "I was featured" button if you'd like. :)

  8. Chocolate AND peanut butter cookies?! The best combo there is. ;)

    Thank you so much for linking up with my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. :) Have fun finding a new blog friend or two, and I hope you'll visit Serenity Now again soon. :)

  9. Your recipe looks very appealing and so good. Will try it very soon! I found you through the Linky on 504 Main's blog. Became a follower of your blog today. Check mine out sometime if you like. Have a great day!

  10. Those cookies look goooood. :)

  11. These look so delicious - I can't get over that you make w/o a recipe. My hat's off to you! :)

  12. These look so good. I may have to try this receipe myself. Thanks for linking up to Creation Mondays @ ~The Life of Me~!

  13. Oh my! These look amazing! The recipe pretty much speaks for itself, but your photos are what really got my mouth watering. Delicious!

    Sure wish I had some right about now!


  15. Mmmmmm, these sound wonderful. There's nothing like freshly baked cookies.

    I'd love for you to share this recipe on my linky for Sweet Tooth Friday.

  16. My mouth is watering!
