Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Gave Myself A Makeover

So I got bored again with my color and decided to try something fun and exciting. Something I've never done before.
I love it!!!!
Hubby hasn't seen it yet, and I can only imagine what he's going to say.

I have approval from my 2 year old though. After I washed my hair she said:
"Mama, you have lipstick in your hair??"
"Haha, no Bella. Do you like my pink hair?"
"Oh yes, sooo pretty!!"

What do you think? It's kind of crazy and totally different than my usual look. 
I think that's why I like it!
I love being a girl!


  1. Totally love it! I had purple panels for a while, but hubby wasn't feeling them, LOL! I'd love to do pink, but I heard it fades really fast. So I'm totally jealous that you did pink! Looking hawt, momma!

  2. Ok, I just voted for you :-) and I wanted to ask what size barrell curling iron did you curl your hair with? It looks so pretty!! and I love the pink too!

  3. I love it! I want to pink in my hair so badly, but afraid since it's so dark you couldn't see it. I love that it's so bright in yours! What did you use? ♥ BJ

  4. I do love the pink. Love wouldn't go for it though, otherwise I would join you in the hair adventure!!! Good luck with the reveal!! Hosting a giveaway if you would like to take a peek :)

  5. I love the pink hair. It doesn't work for everyone put it looks good on you! Thanks for linking up to Creation Mondays @ ~The Life of Me~!

  6. Love it. And have missed you.

    You will have to do a follow up with hubster's reaction. :)

  7. Not many people can pull off pink, but it looks good on you! I bet you're one of those people that can pull off blonde, brunette, you name it. I know what you mean about getting bored with the same old hair though!!!

  8. Love the pink! I would do the same but its against the rules at work. Lifes too short to not take chances with your hair color.

  9. wow! nice change.

  10. Love it! I wish I could but couldn't at my job! What courage!!!!!

  11. I don't have the guts to try it, but more power to ya. I think it looks cool. :)

  12. You are so my kind of gal! I love it! I color my hair all the time and am due for a drastic color this time around. I might have to think about this one. My daughter always asks if I will do blue though. I like the pink better!

    You so have a new follower in me hon! Off to vote for you!


  13. So cute!! I like it. What did the husband say?

  14. Love the new 'do'! Missing you. Hope all is well!

  15. Oh my goodness!!! I totally wanted to do that but Q said he didn't like "that look." How did the hubs like it???
