Monday, April 4, 2011

Do You Believe in Miracles??

I do.
Without a doubt.
I am sorry I have neglected my blog and have not kept up on what's going on with you.  

~ I do have a good reason though. ~

I have been really sick. I mean really sick for the last few months. So sick that, until a few days ago,  I hadn't left the house except to go to the hospital or doctor's office.

~ Again, I have a good reason. ~

I am thrilled to share with you all that I AM PREGNANT!!!!!!!

I am in my second trimester now, and I couldn't be happier! 

If you have followed me for any length of time them you know how incredible this news is for us!

But wait, there's more!

Sometimes when you pray for a miracle..... YOU GET TWO!!!!!!

(Our miracles at 8 weeks.)

Now do you believe in miracles??
If you are a praying person, I would greatly appreciate your prayers over the next 5 months. So far the babies are doing fantastic...and we want to keep it that way!  Praise the Lord for his great blessings!

For the last several months I have been meditating on this verse, and now I could cry whenever I remember the words:
Ephesians 3:20-22
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to HIm be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.


  1. oh Stephanie! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh, thats wonderful news!! Sooo very happy for you guys!! Will be sending prayers up for you, and these two sweet angels. :)

  3. Congratulations! All my prayers for a healthy and happy pregnancy. You have endured so much. Congrats!

  4. CONGRATS! That is so wonderful! I can't even begin to imagine the joy of carrying two babies at the same time.

  5. Oh my gosh! No lie, I was sitting in church yesterday thinking about you & I thought, "I bet she's going to be able to get pregnant again. In fact, maybe that's why she hasn't posted on her blog lately." How crazy! I don't know why that thought popped into my head! Congrats girlie!

  6. Oh yeah, I was wearing the necklace you made for me! That's why! :-)

  7. SOOOOOO very excited for you. I have been praying for you:) I will keep it up. What an amazing miracle to have twins:)

  8. You have no idea how happy this makes me!!! I am so excited for you, Steph. Will be praying for a healthy and complication free next 5 months! Lots of love to you guys!!!

  9. Yay!!!! That is wonderful news! I'm so happy for you!!!

  10. ahhh!!! congrats! what a blessing!! will definitely be thinking and praying for you and your little ones :)

  11. Congratulations!!! So wonderful! Children are a blessing! God bless your family and the two little angels in your belly! :D A true blessing! :D

  12. WHOA!!! Thats HUGE news!!!!!
    I am so excited for you guys!!!!!

  13. Miracles are what we see when God is working in our lives. How precious, two new babies. I have been following K on her journey with twins, at "Pull Up YOur Potty Seat, This Could Take Awhile". You and your family are truly blessed. May this pregnancy go smoothly and may you have joy in every day.

  14. I just had a feeling.......oh, I'm so happy for you. I will be praying for you. So excited too. Hang on to that verse, and His promises!!!!

  15. Congratulations! I will be praying. ♥

  16. This is supper amazing dear heart! I just want to cry. You've been wanting this SO MUCH and I'm SO GLAD you are safely in the second trimester!!!! Amazing. I pray that they sit tight and grow in strength and love!

  17. Love, love, LOVE this entry!

    So happy for you, Stephanie...congratulations...times two! ;)

  18. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! This is the best news I've heard all day. Congratulations! So happy for you.

  19. Praise the Lord!!!! How amazing.....I would LOVE to have twins...

    So happy for you :)

    Jami @Intentionally Living

  20. I Am beyond thrilled for you. I pray that you still have continued miracles over the next 5 months and that you will soon have your ams full with sweet blessings from heaven

  21. Praising with you on your little miracles! Congratulations :)

  22. Praise GOD! That is awesome news! I pray that your pregnancy goes feel energized! That the babies are healthy! Congrats!

  23. To God be the Glory! Happy for you and your family!!

  24. I just happened upon your blog today but I wanted to leave warm wishes and happy birth thoughts. :)

  25. Hi Stephanie. I stopped in Blogland to see how everyone was doing and WOW! What a nice surprise! I hope you are doing well. Hope you will post soon and let everyone know how you are. Take care of you.
