Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Loaded Blondies/Loaded Post

Well, the time has come. I had a good run, I guess.

There will be no more baking, or shopping, or trips to the park with my daughter,  or going out with my man.
After a trip to the emergency room this weekend due to constant, painful contractions, the doctor has ordered complete bedrest. I am not surprised. This is about the same time I went into labor with our daughter too.
I think it's a little funny when a doctor puts a woman on bedrest when she has a two year old to take care of. Do they know how active and needy toddlers are?? Not to mention we are in the midst of potty training, which involves running to the bathroom every 20 minutes.
Oh, and did I mention our house is on the market and needs to stay spic and span in case we get a showing.
And we are house hunting.
And I have custom jewelry orders that I cannot fulfill because I can't go out an get the supplies I need.
Oh, and did I mention we have nothing ready for the babies?
Bedrest is stressful.
I can't just put my feet up and watch movies and read books all day like people think. I am only two days in and I already feel stressed out. There's way too much to do and I can't do anything.
Now that I got that off my chest, let me also say this: I am extremely grateful to be pregnant with these babies. It has been a long hard road to get to this point, and we have endured much just to get this far. But I would do it again and again because I know it's worth it. Our sweet Isabella is a result of the same struggles, and she has brought immeasurable joy to us. I know it will be worth it. I know it's the best thing for our boys.
So I will suck it up, and just be thankful to be in this situation. Thankful that I made it to the third trimester. Thankful that our sons are still safe inside. Thank you Jesus!!

Now, I can't bake these days, but I have a few goodies saved up to share with you. How about these Loaded Blondies??

I love bar recipes because they are fast and easy to make, and sooo yummy!
You may think you're not a fan of blondies. You may think they're boring.
These are not boring. Make them. Trust me.
Stephanie's Loaded Blondies
3/4 c butter
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
3 eggs
1 1/2 cps flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup chocolate chips
3/4 cup milk chocolate chunks
3/4 cup white chocolate chips
3/4 cup dark chocolate covered cranberries

Bake in a greased 9x13" pan at 350 for 20-25 min. I like mine slightly under baked so they are gooey and delish! You may never go back to brownies again. :)


  1. So sorry to hear you're stuck on bedrest :( But, like you said, praise Jesus for making it to the third tri! I will be keeping you & those sweet boys in my prayers <3

  2. Aw, girl! I wish I was closer, I'd come lend you a hand. Or at least watch Bella for ya! Take care, and don't be afraid to ask people around you for help!!!

  3. If I can do anything to help from over here in SC, I definitely will! Good luck girlie!

  4. Oh dear, I'm so sorry! Wish I could take her for Isabella for the day! Potty training is SO MUCH WORK!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Hope you all stay healthy!

  5. Those look so yummy! Thanks for sharing! And I hope you get to relax some...I know about chasing a potty training toddler while preggo ;)

  6. 1) I have twins. They are five now. Life is fun!

    2) Love this recipe. Yum! Great tutorial.

    3) I would love for you to link up and share it on my mommy solution site. http://www.crystalandcomp.com/2011/07/the-mommy-club-share-your-resources-and-solutions/

  7. Yum! I love Blondies and these sound awesome!

  8. So sorry you have to be on bedrest!! I feel you on the whole 2 year old thing. My two kids are 20 months apart and being pregnant and having a toddler is NOT EASY!!! Anyway, the recipe sounds amazing!!!

  9. yum!! I have a 7 y/o and 4 y/o twins....life is hectic but fun! you are going to love it!

  10. Oh yum, they look delicious! I'm sorry you are on bedrest! I'm glad the twins will be safe, though. Hopefully, you'll get some movies and book-reading in! :) Good luck!

  11. I see you are posting and I thank you for your recipe in your unique position. You really should be sending in two recipe, one for each baby. Seriously, I am happy for you as you progress and for all the good in your life.

  12. Hi Stephanie! I was just stopping by your blog randomly for the first time (in a long time) and saw that you are pregnant with twins! How incredibly exciting and such a blessing from God...after all you've been through.

    He is good. Always so, so good.

    It looks like you are doing well! Best wishes and many prayers your way...from a complete stranger ;)

  13. These look wonderful and thanks for sharing them. Now listen to the doctor and get the rest you and those babies need!

  14. What a blessing to have your babies safe in the third trimester! Those blondies look so very yummy. I host a recipe swap every week and I'd love for you to come by and show off a recipe or two. Have a blessed day :)

  15. Wow, you certainly have a lot going on right now -- so glad to hear that you're going to be taking it easy, heeding the doctors orders, and taking care of yourself and those two little miracles!

    Wishing you a stress-free and healthy duration of your pregnancy....

    Jenn/Rook No. 17

  16. These look so Delish! Hang in their, bed rest is hard but worth it, good luck! Don't stress out too much, some things might just have to wait and it is OK! Thanks for showing off!


  17. Aw, I agree with LeAnna--I would love to come help out if I were closer! Love your attitude amidst it all--its so good when we can find gratitude amidst the stress...hard but so so good. :) Can't wait to "meet" your boys, and praying for God's timing on their arrival!
    P.S. I'm already in love with your blonde bars. They're done printed and going where they can be easily accessible, lol.

  18. Thank you so much for stopping by Cast Party Wednesday last week. I really appreciate you sharing your recipe with us. I hope you will join us again for another awesome party filled with yummy recipes.
    Thanks Again!

  19. sounds yummy love your family pictures and reading your post

  20. Oh, I don't even know how you feel, but I can only imagine it's not nay fun. I'd help, if i was close, too.
    Looks yumm! Have to try these!!

  21. My three pregnancies were the same, except with the first one, I was on bedrest in hospital for six weeks.
    The 2nd time was the worst: as you say, who can do bedrest with a toddler at home????? We did daycare for mornings, and "Mummy's Helpers" came til supper after school let out. By the time I hit the third pregnancy, both me and my doctor had things figured out better. I knew when it was time to hit the sack, but I could stay up about three days a week. You are so right--it's worth every bit of struggle to have a wonderful family in the end.
    Best wishes, hang in there.
