Thursday, September 15, 2011

To Blog or Not To Blog?

Once again I have neglected my blog. Are y'all still here? Would you like to hear about all the craziness going on in my life? I keep debating whether or not to continue blogging or just journal for myself. Does anyone really care? Please pipe in if you're reading this - would love to hear your thoughts :)


  1. I'm reading, and I like hearing from you. But I also understand trying to figure out if blogging is still your thing or not. I hope you keep blogging, because I like keeping up with you, but I hope you find whatever will be best for you! ♥

  2. There you are!! Really, I am a fairly new follower. Came in just before you announced you were having twins. Every time I visit the blog of someone who is pregnant I think to myself, "I wonder how the woman with the twins is doing". I would have sent you an email, but you weren't showing up in my reader and I didn't know how to find you.

    I am still here and would love to hear about your craziness and hope that I can encourage you!!!!

  3. I feel like this is the eternal struggle of a blogger.

  4. Love hearing about your life's journey. But understand you got a lot going on now.

  5. I like reading your blog. But as I am. A very neglectful blogger I understand the struggle.

  6. I love hearing! I don't comment much, but I love hearing your story because it is so similar to mine.

  7. I keep checking back to see if you've updated! I have been reading your blog for about a year, and I always love your recipe posts. I am expecting as well (after several miscarriage), so I have looked forward to hearing about your little boys. Please at least update on how you are all doing!

  8. I'm still around & you better keep blogging, girlie, solely because I like reading. :-)

  9. I have been checking off and on my blogger feed! I am very interested and I apologize for not commenting. You are in my prayers. As a fellow blogger, I so understand how you feel...not sure if you should seems that comments are low for many of us. But,please know that you still have readers who are very interested in what our God is doing in your life!
