Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Day My Life Changed...Again

As I lay on the operating table I knew there was nothing left for me to do. It was all in God's hands now... as it had been all along. My heart was pounding, my thoughts were racing, and a constant strain of prayers were being sent up to heaven. 

Please protect my babies.

Please let them be ok.

Please please please. 

At 3:56 pm on August 21, 2011, my life changed.
 Our first son was born.  He was 2 months early but he came out crying. I don't think I ever felt such relief.  He had to be pretty healthy to let out a cry like that. Thank you Jesus!!!! 
At 3:58pm our second son came into this world; crying just like his brother! 
What a miracle! Both babies born this premature were breathing on their own and showed no signs of distress!
They were taken to the NICU where we were told they would stay for approximately a month - simply because they were so premature and they would have to master things like sucking, swallowing and breathing all at once, gaining weight, and maintaining their body temps. They had no major complications. Praise the Lord!

Welcome to the world Xander David!!

Welcome to the world Kingston Thomas!!


Brothers. 4lbs 7oz and 4lbs 3oz of perfection!

We are so happy and so thankful for our sweet tiny boys! Thank you to all who prayed for us. Our God is truly AWESOME.


  1. What a huge beautiful they are! Thanks for sharing your story with us!

  2. Tears of JOY now! And I knew before I read because I saw those precious babes in your beautiful new header. Oh God is so faithful. Congratulations! They are beautiful!

  3. Good job Mommy! I love the new blog layout and design also!

  4. Yay! I am so happy for you! Such wonderful little blessings ~ they are both precious!!!
    Thank you for sharing your sweet boys' pics and your story with us! My heart is warmed! :)

  5. I'm glad you're all doing well. ♥
    Love your new blog look.

  6. Oh wow I'm so relieved and happy for you all. Congratulations to all of you. Thanks for sharing them with us. YOur son's are beautiful.

  7. Awwwwww, friend! This brought tears to my eyes, as God has often brought you to my mind over the past several months. Two months premature, and 4+ pounders! God is a miracle maker. Love this. They are precious!

  8. oh they are awesome!!! My 6 week early singleton weighed similar!...hope they continue to bring great joy! xo

  9. Soooo happy to know that all is well with your precious boys! Praise the Lord! This brought tears to my eyes. Our God is SO good! :) They are beautiful!

  10. YAY!!! Praising Jesus with you. So so glad to hear they are doing well and that even though they were premature they still have healthy sets of lungs! :)

  11. Awww, yay! I've been waiting for the conclusion to the story!!! :-) And look at you, all gorgeous, even in the hospital. Congratulations! And I'm so happy your family is all happy & healthy!

  12. It's been so neat to get to know you, girl, and follow your blog and your heart through all of this! This post means so much more to me because I've been privelaged to know how you've come to be here. love love it--God is so good!

  13. This is so awesome! Thank you so much for sharing! I am so glad that the boys are doing great! They look so handsome. Best wishes to you and the family!!

  14. Yeah, this just made me cry. I am so happy for you and so thankful for their existence and their health! PRAISE GOD!!

  15. Your boys are beautiful! So glad they are both doing well! Congratulations!

  16. Congratulations! Your boys are gorgeous, reminds me of when my twin boys came into the world, mine are 2.5 years old now, it just gets better and better! Such blessings

  17. Congratulations! What sweet little guys!

  18. Congratulations! I always like to click on babies and am so glad I clicked on your linky at Chic on a Shoestring. Such beautiful boys with such strong names! Way to go Mommy!

  19. Aww, congrats! Definitely the cutest little creations I've seen in awhile!

  20. what a miracle!! congratulations!! They are beautiful!!

  21. They could not be any cuter! Really! Congratulations! I love that last photo, where in you are looking gorgeous and dressed to the nines and your hubby is in that fashion-plate hospital gown, LOL!

  22. God is SO good! Congratulations again on your beautiful baby boys. I am so happy that you're holding them in your arms, safe & sound <3

  23. Congratulations! They are so adorable, what a happy addition to your beautiful family! Found you via Trendy Treehouse Follow Me. Can't wait to read more :)

  24. Truly beautiful family & blog :)

  25. They are truly miracles and our God is so amazing! My son, Noah, was born at 28 weeks. Today he is a healthy 3 year old! Your boys are handsome little guys, Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your story. ~ Alicia
