Thursday, October 6, 2011

Time in The NICU

 Our boys spent three weeks in the NICU. I realize that for babies born at 32 weeks, a 3 week stay is excellent. But at the time it felt like forever. It's just not right to have just given birth and have to go home without your babies. As much as we ached for them to be home with us, we felt so incredibly thankful that they were alive and healthy. They needed this time in the hospital to make up for the time I couldn't give them inside.
They had excellent nurses and doctors. We felt so blessed that we could be confident in the care they were receiving in the hospital. 
 What a happy day this was, when we got to hold both of our babies together! It was so incredible having them in my arms. Even today, I can hardly believe this is really happening. These boys are truly miracles, and we are so blessed to call them ours!
(This was actually on daddy's birthday - what a sweet gift!)

This was a special moment right here. My grandpa holding his great grandson who we named after him. He is one of my favorite men in the world - such a great guy.
See these faces? Each time we went to see the boys in the NICU, they pretty much slept the whole time. When it was time for us to go, they almost always woke up and looked at us with their big sweet eyes, as if begging us to stay. My heart broke every time we walked out the door. It was nearly impossible to leave.

 This was another happy day. The day their feeding tubes came out! One step closer to coming home!
Finally, the big day was here. Our tiny babies were exactly three weeks old - I should have been 35 weeks pregnant - but instead we were bringing out little miracles HOME!!!
 I was giddy, I'm not gonna lie :)
 At last, Isabella could hold her baby brothers! She is in love with them.
Home never felt so good! Our prayers were answered. Our baby's were home. Our family was all together. Happy. And so thankful. This is BLISS.
Now the adventure of raising three kids under 3 begins :)


  1. What a wonderful testimony of God's faithfulness! Your sweet little brood brings tears to my eyes. God is so good.

  2. Hey!. Following you now!. Thanks for linking up to our blog hop :). Your boys are beautiful.

  3. So sweet....they are adorable little miracles!
    Glad you linked up to the hop ;)
    Punkin Heads and Dooda Loos

  4. Wow - congratulations on bringing your babies home. I can only imagine how amazing you feel with them at home where they belong. It's so wonderful that they are healthy and well and I wish you all the happiness with your two new additions!
    I'm also following you now from Miss Mommy and I'm excited to see those beautiful babies grow!
    Take care (and hopefully get some good sleep!),

  5. Wow so amazing! I can't even imagine the joy you felt bringing your babies home! Thanks so much for joining in on the Tag-Along Thursday blog hop. I am now following your fab blog!

  6. Aaawww, how perfectly PRECIOUS!! Congratulations...I'm so happy for you that they're home!

  7. Three weeks is AMAZING! I imagine getting used to three under three is terribly difficult! Sending strength your way! Hope you all are beginning to feel a little better!

  8. Your boys are precious.
    I found you through a comment you posted on another blog.

  9. This is so beautiful. You are tremendously blessed. Enjoy this new journey.

  10. As I was reading this, I remembered having all those same feelings and emotions when our triplets were born. It's a hard thing to leave your sweet little ones at the hospital. I'm so happy you're all together now, one big happy family. Best wishes to you all and congratulations!! If it makes you feel any better, I had 4 under 2, and we all survived. :)

  11. Beautiful kids!!!

    New Follower from Finding New Friends Blog Hop. Hoping you will follow back! =0)
    My Crazy Life

  12. I am so glad your precious babies are home and doing well. They are so cute and big sis looks like she is having fun.

  13. How beautiful are your twins!!! And I LOVE your blog.

    Following you from a blog hop and hope you'll follow me too!

  14. How precious!
    very handsome little boys

    Found your blog through Hop Along Friday and am now a GFC follower.

    Would love a follow back on my blog

  15. Congratulations! Enjoy the adventures. I've been following you since the UBP.

  16. I stumbled on your blog on blog hop. Congrats on bringing those little superhero's home. My son was a 26 weeker and stayed in NICU for 4months. It's a lot to go through and you are strong parents have fun with those little ones and their adventures.

  17. That is amazing news! I'm so happy you got to bring them home. New follower from blog hop.

  18. I found you at Trendy Treehouse and am your newest follower. Congratulations on your little miracles. Our precious Lord is so good to deliver...and He shows Himself every single day...I just sometimes fail to notice! HOPE you have a weekend full of sweet blessings with your precious family!

  19. Congratulations! All three of your little ones are absolutely perfect and you look gorgeous for just having carried two of them!

    I'm stopping by from the Trendy Treehouse blog hop. I'd love it if you check out my blog. :)

  20. i'm hooked now on your blog!! those babies (all 3) are beautiful! hold them tight cause they grow up way to fast my twins are now almost 5 and in kindergarted!
