Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What Do You Want to Know?

I saw this idea on LeAnna's blog and thought it looked like fun.
It's Question and Answer day over at Hope Road.
To change it up around here I decided to link up and play along!
This is a post where you can ASK ME ANYTHING! (said in a cheesy game show host voice)
Ask me any question you want and in my next post I will give you the answer.

For example: After baking chocolate chip cookies do I ever let my 1 year old lick the spatula?
Heavens no! ;)
Is there anything you want to know about me? A burning question you always wanted to ask?
You can ask me anything at all, but I reserve the right to remain silent if your question is inappropriate.
It can be personal, silly, or strange. So let's have some fun! Put on your thinking caps
and be creative - or not, it's up to you. :)

Ask away!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ramblings and FREEBIES!!

Guess what?
When I got up this morning I found out I was featured on 2 blogs today for my chocolate peanut butter cups!! So fun! Who says you need a recipe to bake??
Today I was making a pair of earrings for someone and when I was finished, I hung them on the gong we have on our kitchen table to see how they looked. I had to take a picture because I noticed that it looked like something. Do you see it?

Totally looks like an owl, right? Ha!

This is the what I made for my dad on Father's day.

Boston Creme Pie is his favorite. Usually it is frosted only on top, but my theory is if some chocolate is good, more is better! So I frosted the whole thing :)
The frosting I make is the yummiest (if I can be so bold). Every time I make a cake my man always requests this frosting. It's so rich but it's not heavy. It practically drips down the cake.
I'll never understand using frosting from a can. Or making frosting with anything other than butter. You want it to taste good, right?
I made these for my honey.

He occasionally buys me those edible arrangement and then steals all the chocolate covered apples and bananas!
So I made a platter of my version of his faves just for him, filled with dark chocolate apples, chocolate/cinnamon apples, and white chocolate/dark chocolate swirl bananas.

He was pretty happy :)

Now for a little treat for you!

I am offering a huge deal at Pearls and Petals!

All necklaces are BOGO 1/2 off and everything else is BOGO FREE!!!!!!

Yeah, I said FREE
Get yours while you still can! There's only one of each!

(Just make your purchases and I will refund the cost of your 1/2 off or free items. Or if you prefer, email me and let me know what you want and I will reserve them for you and mark them down for you before you pay. )

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Miscellany Monday

It's that time again for
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. Like I've said before I am a girly girl, but there is one area where I am unlike almost every girl I've ever met.
(Hmmmm, I wonder what you think I'm about to say!)
I kind of hate talking on the phone. I know, *gasp*!! Can I still be a woman and not like talking on the phone??
I would much rather talk to you in person - phones make me uncomfortable. There. I said it.

2. One thing I love about summer is that I get to wear skirts and sundresses all the time! I haven't bought a pair of shorts in years. I just don't like them.

3. People don't realize how hard days like Father's day can be for some people. I was praying yesterday for those who have lost their fathers, or lost a child, or long to be a father but it just hasn't happened. I prayed for my husband. It's not fair for him. On mother's day I was pregnant, and on father's day the recent loss of our baby is heavy on our hearts. It just breaks my heart that he has so many babies that will never know what an incredible daddy he is, yet I rejoice that our sweet Bella knows it full well.

4. Sometimes life just SUCKS. Can I say that?

5. I am officially the designated baker of the family. I think I will be thrown out next time we all get together if I don't bring some goodies. More on that in my next post!

6. I have added something new to my etsy shop Pearls and Petals.
Sweet baby headbands - go figure.

7. I recently have been given some blog awards, and I feel like a tool, but I can't even remember who they are from. I'm so sorry. I guess that means you should take them away! :/

This one came from Jen. She is such a godly person, and has been so faithful in praying for me during this trial in our lives. Thanks so much, Jen! You have been such an encouragement to me. We are doing a challenge together to read through the Bible in 90 days - it's gonna be great! I am so thankful for the wonderful friends I have met through blogging. I never expected that when I started 6 months ago.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Fab Foto Friday!

I am joining Missy in Fab Foto Friday!
Check out her blog, she is SUPER talented when it comes to photography. I'm almost embarrassed for her to see mine.
I am not claiming that this is a fab foto per say, but it is a favorite. And since it is Father's Day weekend I wanted to use a picture of my dad.

Here he is holding my sweet baby when she was just a few months old.
Such sweet memories!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Better Late Than Never!

I was looking back over some old blog posts and I realized that months ago I promised you something and didn't deliver.
I was writing about things that I was thankful for and this was one of them. I was asked to share the recipe.... but I forgot all about it!
Today I will remedy that oversight and tempt your taste buds with my yummy peanut butter cups!

(I think this picture is actually of the caramel version - but you get the idea!)
Those of you who know me, know that I am not a recipe person. I know what I like, and I know enough about cooking/baking that I can come up with something tasty on my own. I'm not big on measuring - I just add until it seems right. So far I haven't had any disasters.
But that makes it hard to share the "recipe" when people ask for it.
I don't think you could mess up this one though. It's super simple and tastes great every time - so give it a try!

Stephanie's PB Cups
1 stick of butter
2 ish cups of sugar
1 1/2 ish cups graham cracker crumbs
1 ish cup peanut butter
12 oz your favorite chocolate bar/chips

Melt the butter in a large bowl. And add the sugar, graham cracker crumbs, and peanut butter. Mix well.
In separate bowl melt chocolate and stir until smooth.
(For this part I like to use baking cups, but you can just make it in one 13x9" pan)
Pour melted chocolate into baking cups until the bottom is covered completely. Add peanut butter mixture and top with remaining chocolate. Chill for at least 2 hours. Store leftovers in the refrigerator.

There you have it! A super easy, really yummy treat for all you chocolate pb lovers out there!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Lately I have felt the need to keep busy.
All the time.
When Bella goes down for a nap it gets too quiet and I have too much time to think.
So I've been making jewelry.
It keeps my hands busy and occupies my mind, and there's no sign of me slowing down.
Which brings me to my point.
How does a "Friends and Followers Appreciation Sale" sound???
(I do have the best friends and followers, you know.)
These offers are on some of my favorite pieces from Bella Regali but they are only good until Thursday 7/17.
Remember these pieces are one of a kind, so if you like them get them as fast as you can - before someone else does (use elbows if you have to).
Without further ado, here are the featured items:

Buy the necklace at a discounted price and get the earrings at 60% off! This set is SO pretty. It sparkles like crazy and is super feminine - my kind of jewelry ;)

Buy the necklace at a discounted price and get a pair of earrings FREE. You can even pick which earrings you want from here.
This necklace is the epitome of Bella Regali jewelry. If you haven't made a purchase yet, this would be a great place to start! It's very unique, a little bit vintage, and is so elegant. I love this one!

Buy the necklace at a discounted price and get a pair of earrings FREE. Again, you get to choose your earrings from here!!

I am also giving 10% off everything at Pearls and Petals!!
This is a big deal - lots of items are already under $10!!

Thanks for being so kind to me these past few weeks. Please enjoy this tiny token of my appreciation - you are the best!

*As a side note, most earrings can be made into clip ons as well!*

**For each of these offers, once payment is received I will refund you the cost of your free or discounted items asap!**

Monday, June 7, 2010


These past couple of weeks have been overwhelming.
My body is healing but my heart is in a million pieces.
Though this was our fourth baby to go on to heaven, it was physically a much more traumatic experience, and in turn I feel emotionally broken and scarred.

My arms ache for the babies I never had the chance to hold.

I keep thinking about how this August our twins should be turning two.

In November, on Isabella's birthday, we should be celebrating the birth of her and her brother or sister.

And on Christmas day this year I know my heart will be breaking again because there will not be a tiny new baby in our family picture.

People all around me are having babies - and that's hard for me. I want to rejoice with them because I know what a precious blessing it is to have a baby. I am genuinely happy that they are able to experience such joy.
But at the same time it's a constant reminder of all I have lost.
And on come the tears.
I know people who have not gone through this think I am just jealous of them, or that I am being too sensitive. But that is not the case.
I just miss my babies.
I don't want them to feel like I am not happy for them, or that I don't care - I do. It's just hard for me to show it right now.
I am grieving.

I don't know what God's plan is for us, and I don't understand why He would allow this to happen again and again. But I know He will comfort me like no one else can. I know He understands my pain and sorrow because He experienced it when His son died.

And it was all a part of His perfect plan.

I want to send out a heartfelt thank you to all of you who have left me comments, sent emails, letters, cards, meals, and most importantly prayers.
I am so touched by how many of you have reached out to me in one way or another these past few weeks. Many of you I've never even met, others I barely know, and some of you have let me know you care much more than I ever realized. Going through hard times can help you see who the people are who truly care about you. So thank you so very much. I know I have not responded to many of you personally yet, but please know that I have felt so loved by you!

I do not want to be depressing, so I will probably not be posting for a little while longer. I just wanted to let you know how I've been doing since I received such an outpouring of love from you.
I will be checking up on your blogs as time allows between snuggles with my hubby and sweet girl.
Please continue to pray as you think of us!