Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Feature

Is anyone else happy it's Friday??
I am hoping to have a girls night tonight and if I'm really lucky, maybe I'll snag a date with my man this weekend! 
Also, I want to go shopping. For myself. I've realized that since my daughter was born I haven't really bought anything for me; it all goes to that sweet little girl.  A couple times I've gone out shopping with the intention of getting something for myself, but it's so easy to get sidetracked by all the cute little girl stuff. A few weeks ago I came home with about 15 outfits and 4 pairs of shoes for the little lady, and I got toothpaste. Hmmm.  Maybe next time I'll get 15 outfits and 4 pairs of shoes! :) 
I know a lot of you women are the same way. You're always buying something for your kids, or a friend (which is all good and noble), but never treat yourself. 
Today is the day, friends!
And I'm gonna make it fun and painless by offering you a sweet deal!
This is Fridays Feature!
From now until my next Feature is posted I am offering my anklets at a super bargain price.
Regularly $15, but as my featured items they are now only $8.95 or 2 for $15. That's like getting 2 for the price of one! 
Here are your choices:
Summer Breeze
 Pink Shimmer
 Sweet Sparkle
 Purple Shimmer
 Painted Glass

Simple email me at or leave a comment with your email and let me know which one(s) you want!  There are also coordinating headbands and earrings for most of these that can be found here all for under $10!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Miscellany Monday

It's Monday, you know what that means!
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. Last night in a heroic effort to save my daughter from falling backwards, I bent my nail backwards. Like it came off of my finger and had to be put back on. *shiver* It seemed to reattach itself, so that's good, but WOW that hurt!!

2. Yesterday Bella and I decided to visit Daddy at work and bring him some treats to help his day go by a little faster. While hanging out in the car we caught a glimpse of what's to come.


3. Head over to the fabulous Carissa's blog (just click the button at the top of the post) and enter her giveaway - it's a good one *ahem*.

4. Everyone who makes a purchase from
and mentions her giveaway will get 10% off everything you order and you'll also get a gift card!!

It's a swell deal ;)

5. I think some play time at the park is in order for today - it's gorgeous out there!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Remember how I told you that I am the designated baker in my family?
Well,  having family visit from out of town means lots of baking for me, and I wanted to try something new and fun. But what??
Our three family favorites are: cheesecake, chocolate chip cookies, and my famous brownies.  So I came up with a fun little treat that incorporates all three!!
Isn't it cute?

I call them Utopia Bites. That about explains them. 

I tried a few varieties. Chocolate chip cookie/brownie, brownie/cheesecake, cheesecake/cookie, and a combination of all three. You know what I decided? You really can't go wrong here.  So made a whole bunch of each kind.

They tasted great, but they looked like they needed some "dressing up".
So I whipped up a batch of my peanut butter frosting and added just a dollop to each one.

Yum! Now they tasted even better, but still they seemed to be missing something.
M&M's to the rescue!

They were a big hit!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cupcakes? Yes, Please!

This weekend my Aunt and Uncle and two of my cousins came to visit us. They are possibly the sweetest people ever, and I was so happy to see them again!

Being the designated family baker, I made more than a few sweet treats for our gatherings together, and this is one I thought I'd share with you!
Who doesn't like a good cupcake??
And who better to try out my new concoction than family, right? (They make the best guinea pigs.)
I introduce to you, my very own,
Over the Top Cupcakes
(They got their name from my sweet aunt who was still talking about them days later!)
They started out combining my hubby's favorite devil's food cake "recipe" with a yummy fudge cake "recipe".
(If you are wondering why I'm using quotations around words like "recipe", you must be new here. Welcome! My name is Stephanie and I have an inability to use recipes. I much prefer to invent my own - it's more fun that way!)

Then, because I wanted to do something different, I whipped up some scrumptious vanilla creme, and filled the center of each cupcake

Now, because they weren't decadent enough, I topped them with a combo of my chocolate fudge frosting and rich chocolate ganache! This right here is the reason to eat these cupcakes - yum!!!

Finish them off with some sprinkles and enjoy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

My Little Nurse

This has been my little helper the last few days while daddy's been at work.
She's been taking extra good care of me ;)

She even taught me the proper way to eat Cheerios:

 with a fork.