I made these delectable treats several weeks ago, and I am still thinking about them.
Is there a better combination that chocolate and peanut butter? If so, you better tell me about it!
I was told to bring a "simple" sweet treat to a family gathering, and this was one of the things I brought. It's hard for me to be too simple when it comes to baking, but these were pretty easy and I just couldn't resist making them.
I really need to start writing down my "recipes" right away, so I remember how I made them. Hopefully I'm not forgetting anything!
(These are great for all of you gluten free people, too!)
Flourless Intense Peanut Butter Cookies
2 cups peanut butter
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
That's all folks! Mix em all together and refrigerate for an hour.
Form into balls and place on cookie sheet. Flatten with a fork for a traditional pb cookie look.
To make them extra tasty, melt 10 ish oz of your favorite chocolate and dip each side of the cookie into it. Dip generously, kids, it's delicious. :)
Now for a little pizazz, I chopped 1/3 ish cups of honey roasted peanuts and immediately after dipping cookies into chocolate, I dipped them into the nuts. I made 1/2 with nuts and 1/2 without.
Make these. Your tummy will thank you!
But wait, there's more! Be sure to click here now! It will make you happy and save your sanity come Christmas time. Treat yourself and take care of all the gals on your "nice list".
C'mon, all the cool kids are doing it ;)