Thursday, March 29, 2012


The winner of the $25 sneakpeeq gift card is...

Julianne Rosenau

Congratulations! Please send me an email at  to claim your prize. 
Thanks to all who entered!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Springtime Cocoa Fudge Donuts

My sweet husband bought me a mini donut pan for my birthday this year. 

Of course that meant I had to make donuts for my family. 
Twist my arm.

Aren't they cute??
I have a soft spot for mini versions of things. Maybe that's why I love tiny babies so much??
To be honest, these taste more like adorable donut shaped cupcakes than regular donuts. I think it's because they are baked not fried. Either way they are delish - and let's face it, cupcakes and donuts are about the same on the scale of healthy breakfast foods.
Add some pastel sprinkles and make these for Easter this year!

Steph's Springtime Cocoa Fudge Donuts

1 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup cocoa
1 cup buttermilk
3 eggs
4 Tbs melted butter

Mix dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ingredients in another bowl. Slowly add the dry to the wet and beat until well mixed. 
Grease a donut pan and fill halfway with batter. Bake at 400* for about 10 min.
Cool in pan for a few minutes before removing and frosting.

Fudge Glaze

3 Tbs melted butter
1/3 cup cocoa
2 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup milk

Mix together first 4 ingredients and add milk gradually until it reaches desired consistency. Dip tops of donuts into glaze and add sprinkles if desired.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

$25 Sneakpeeq Giveaway!!

I am excited to offer you a super fun giveaway today!

Have you heard of sneakpeeq? They have awesome gourmet treats, hair and beauty products, and trendy home decor. I discovered them on facebook a few weeks ago, and was thrilled when they contacted me to offer ALL of my readers an exclusive discount and the chance to win a gift card!!
 sneakpeeq is giving away 20% off your next purchase just for entering this giveaway,

Plus one lucky winner will receive a $25 gift card to use on your favorite food, style and home products—that goes a long way in sneakpeeq’s amazingly low-priced boutiques!

Come see all the things you love but haven’t discovered. sneakpeeq only has new products that you have never seen before! Gotta love that!
Here's how to enter:   (Please do all three steps and leave a comment after completing each one)

*Follow Still Waters
*Follow Still Waters on Facebook and give me a holler!

Join sneekpeaq via this link:

 All winners will be announced on my blog on Tuesday 03/27/12  Good luck!

**This giveaway is good for new sneakpeeq users and U.S. residents only.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fashion Fix #4

Purple is my favorite color. 

I have a purple coat, a purple purse, a ton of purple nail polish, eye shadow, clothes and jewelry. I even have a purple Kitchen Aid mixer.

After buying this dress, I was on a shopping date with my 3 year old daughter and I happened across a pair of purple tights. 

I don't normally wear colored tights, but these were purple. I had no choice but to buy them. :)

On this particular day I wore a purple dress, a purple scarf, purple tights, and carried a purple purse. I feel like it's ok though because they are all different shades of purple.

 So you can't call it overboard....right??

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I Heart Oreos

The beloved Oreo is turning 100!
I'd say this cookie is looking pretty good for it's age :)
Just wanted to share this treat with you to help you celebrate the occasion.

Grab some oreos (I used double stuff, duh) and dip them into some melted chocolate. I used white chocolate this time and added some pink to make it pretty! Top with sprinkles or just set them on wax paper to dry. If you want to add some chocolate decor like I did, melt some more chocolate and add whatever color you want to use (or leave it white if you prefer). I just put the melted chocolate into a baggie and piped out some hearts. These would be great  in all different pastel colors for Easter - and eggs are a super simple decoration to draw on top!

This is a fun treat that the kids can join in on too. My 3 year old LOVED helping me decorate these. 

Give them a try - I would love to see how yours turn out!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fashion Fix #3

It's a dreary, cold, rainy/snowy day here, and all I really want to do is cuddle up with my loves under a blanket and watch some of our fave shows on Netfix. And maybe eat some m&m's and drink a big mug of spiced eggnog coffee. That sounds nice. I think I have our evening planned :)
Today is a day of doing hair in my downstairs salon, grocery shopping, making phone calls, changing diapers, snuggling, dancing, playing hide and seek, and hopefully some of the above, later on ;) Pretty much the usual.
Here is what I'm wearing today. 
 I love this cozy sweater, and I was so excited to find this funky belt to wear with it. See how SPARKLY it is?? You know I love anything that sparkles. It's a little too big for me though. See how it's sitting a little low and slanted? If I tighten it enough to fit me, it rolls over the sequins instead of the leather. But I like it so much I wear it anyway.

And these are my favorite boots. I never paid so much for footwear but I wear these all the time and I just love them. I feel like they can make any outfit more trendy and sophisticated. Another pick of my hubby's. He likes to dress me, haha!
The headband is covered in bling too - of course, I made it after all. And the chunky blingy bracelet is from Pearls and Petals. If you want one, let me know in the comments or visit here. FYI, I am totally into bangles, cuffs and crosses right now, and it shows in my shop :)
What sort of fashion or accessories are you into now?

Monday, January 30, 2012

Fashion Fix #2

Thanks for joining me for week 2 of Fashion Fix!
Here's my outfit of the week:
  (Btw, sorry for the awful picture. I obviously can't take pictures of myself without looking ridiculous!) 

Cowl neck sweater dress. It's super soft, and even though it's short sleeved, it's cozy! I love the rouched sleeves and the brown and turquoise color combo.
Leggings - check. When I bought the dress I also picked up a pair of brown tights. A few days later I was getting ready for the day and I threw on this dress....then I looked in the mirror.  *Ahem* Not quite long enough to wear with just tights. Enter the ever faithful leggings! They are an outfit saver I tell you.
Ankle boots! I love the straps and the buckles, still deciding if I like the ankle height though.

**Vintage Wrap Bracelet from Pearls and Petals. Let me know if you would like one! :) **

There you have it! What do you think? Want to see more fashion posts? I promise to try and get better photos next time....maybe enlist my hubby to take them for me :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Chocolate Cake Day!

I don't know who comes up with all of these crazy days. Today is Chocolate Cake Day, one day last week was Peanut Butter Day. I sure hope you remembered to celebrate. Seriously, I want the job of coming up with silly holidays. I wonder how much it pays???
Anyway, I made you some cake. You know, because I had to.
I give you: Steph's Cocoa Fudge Cupcakes - Enjoy!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fashion Fix

 I love all things fashion and I thought it would be fun to do a fashion post once in awhile. Sound fun?
Outfit #1
Must be a halfway decent outfit because I was harassed and practically proposed to while wearing it. My husband no longer allows me to leave the house without him, ha! Just kidding....sort of.
 I am currently obsessed with boots. I try not to wear anything that I can't wear boots with! It's a problem :)  My awesome hubby got these for me for Christmas. He has great taste, I love them!

I also love dresses, but never got to wear them much in the freezing winter months. Enter LEGGINGS. My other obsession. They make it possible to wear cute dresses all year long. YAY!

This mini dress is sleeveless, so I added a fun studded cardi. I usually sort of hate cardigans on me, but I think I like this one.
So this is my outfit pick of the week. What do you think? And do you want to see anymore fashion posts?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Favorite Things and Best Ever Whoopie Pies!

1. These are hands down the best whoopie pies ever. Maybe even the best dessert ever. It's a bold claim, but you haven't tried these yet. They. Are. Amazing. It's my own special recipe - I will be sharing it soon!
2. I am a makeup junkie, and I love anything that sparkles. Enter a product called Twinkle and Shine. LOVE! Makes the eyes sparkle.
 3. There is nothing sweeter than seeing my two baby boys snuggled close together, sound asleep. Melts my heart!

4. I love spending time with my girlie, just the two of us. And I LOVE that she still loves to hug and kiss me :)
5. My new hat. My husband made me buy it because he thought I looked SO cute in it, haha! I always feel like I'm wearing a costume when I wear a hat, but I actually really like this one now!

What are some of your favorite things right now?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm baAck!

Well, hello again, my long lost bloggy friends! It's been awhile, huh?
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year... Am I caught up now?
I have been having computer problems that have kept me from blogging lately. Oh. That and a couple little tiny boys that are always in my arms, and a very busy three year old in need of constant attention.  Life with infant twins and a toddler is busy for sure, but I am in absolute heaven. Seriously. I am truly loving every sleep deprived second!

I have had so many things I have wanted to share with you, but time (and priorities, see above) did not allow that to happen. I am hoping to share them with you soon. I have some fun new ideas for this blog's future too! So stay tuned! And be sure to  "like" Still Waters on Facebook. I will probably be updating that more than the blog, just because it's so fast and I can do it on my ipad while holding babies! :)
Blessings to you all!