Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cupcakes and Clearance

My brother and I have birthdays just 4 days apart. He's off at college now but we still try to get together to do something special to celebrate us being born (haha). This year he took me out to lunch and I gave him a haircut and made him cupcakes. I told him they were extra special because they were the first things I made using my new purple kitchenaid. I don't mean to sound big headed, but these cupcakes were AWESOME!!

I made my special chocolate cake recipe and filled these puppies with chocolate chip cheesecake, and as if they weren't sinful enough, I topped them with fudgey chocolate frosting (made from scratch, of course). These are my new favorite cupcakes! Though I don't know how often I'll be making them, I don't want to loose a foot or anything.
Now it's time for "What's New @ Bella Regali"
(I hope you don't mind me mentioning my shop all the time. It is something I am passionate about, and it takes up a lot of my time so I blog about it. Plus it's nice to get feedback to see what y'all think about my treasures.)
Here are a couple new items
Ok, I had more to show you, but they just sold.
So, I'll show you some that are not yet listed.
These are all customizable.
They can have pin backs to wear on a jacket, scarf, or belt.
Or they can be headbands, barrettes, or clips for your purse or belt - you name it!
They are all only $8.50 - just email me if you're interested before they hit the shelves.

I'm loving this necklace. I have a brown and blue dress it would look amazing with, but this one's not for me :(
Just say the word and it's yours!

And finally I am having a HUGE BLOWOUT SALE to make room for new items.
Click here to get clearance prices on lots of treasures made with love by yours truly :)
Who doesn't love a bargain??

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Last 2 Days

Hello, friends! I am up at the crack of dawn again. It's not my favorite time of day, but my little one thinks it's just a fine time to get up to play. So that's what we do. :)
First, I want to say thanks for all the birthday wishes! I feel loved; you guys are the best!
Here's what I've been up to the last few days.
Valentine's day.
My man had to work the whole weekend, so Bella and I were on our own. Of course I made her heart shaped pancakes for breakfast- pancakes are her fav and I love her!

She said they were 5 star pancakes! That's my girl :)

My sweetie called me from work just about every hour ( he works 12 hr shifts) to tell me he loves me. He makes my heart pitter patter!
Then this sweet surprise arrived at my door! What a man! He knows chocolate is my love language (just kidding....I think).

Before Daddy came home we had to work on his card. Isabella wrote him a lovely note :)

Then she forgot you're not supposed to eat the crayons.

She showed the card to our dog to make sure it was just right :)
Success! It melted Daddy's heart.
Though it's nice to do sweet things for each other on Valentine's day, we know a secret: you can do those things everyday. And we try to. But it's easy when you have a man like mine!
I also spent some time here and there making new designs for Bella Regali.
I have this problem though. Every time I make something I end up not wanting to sell it because I want it! So I made myself promise that this time everything I made I would list in my shop. No matter what. I would like to break my promise - but I won't because you all deserve a chance to own them too.
These next 2 necklaces are not listed yet. I will try and get to that tonight. Obviously if you want to buy them just email me
I would give you a little discount for saving me the trouble of putting them in my shop :)

This brings me to my last point. Make sure you check out Bella Regali real soon. There are lots of items on sale and all you 1st time shoppers can take 10% off your order if you follow my blog. (I will refund the 10% after you place your order.) And every follower will get a free gift with any purchase! Hooray! Free stuff and discounts - you can't go wrong!
Happy Tuesday!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

Last night was so great! Me and my man had a date! You know these are few and far between nowadays, I think this was our 4th date since Isabella was born. Yikes! Sadly I forgot to take a picture to commemorate like I usually do; but trust me, it happened! I don't realize how much we need time to ourselves until we have it - it was just like we were dating again! I sure do love that man. I think it was really nice of God to choose him for me :)
We went to see a movie for the first time in a long time. We saw The Blind Side, it was really good, plus hardly anyone was there so there was no one to be grossed out by us. Muwahaha.
Then we went to Barnes and Noble for old times sake, haha. We used to go there all the time when we were dating. It's just fun to find crazy books and laugh together!
Then we went out for sushi!!! Yum!
Then he took me out for dessert before we headed back to get the munchkin. It was so nice to have some alone time with my guy.
Oh, and this is what he got me for my birthday

Just what I wanted. And in my favorite color!!!

Today will be more mellow - maybe I'll try out my new mixer!
Happy birthday to me!

Oh, and those of you who commented on my Something New post will be very happy. I shaved my head and listed my curly locks on etsy!! Now you can have them too! (just kidding, of course. You guys crack me up!)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Something New

Happy Monday, all!
Well, I did not have a relaxing weekend like I was hoping for, but we got a lot accomplished. We sure are itching to have a vacation though! Anyone have any suggestions on how to take a 1 year old on a 9 hour plane ride? We do so miss Maui!
I am sitting here with color on my hair trying to look halfway decent again. I must multitask. A girl can't have roots showing on her birthday, after all.
I've been working on some new designs for my etsy shop. I've come up with a few ideas, notice anything?

Why, yes it is a new ring! How observant of you!

Would you wear a flower ring?
How about some flower necklaces?

This is the one I'm unsure about. Would you wear this bracelet or does it look like a corsage?

Ok, enough. Time to wash my hair!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Let's cut right to the chase, shall we?
The winner of this week's Bella Regali giveaway, chosen by the one and only Isabella Hope, is.....
Allegra from My Lips in Stitches
Congrats!!!! Send me an email with your address and I'll send it out to you ASAP.
Thanks to all who entered, and don't worry, I have something up my sleeve for another giveaway soon...
Also, I wanted to let all of you who made purchases at Bella Regali last month know that your money has been donated to World Vision to help the people of Haiti. Thanks for your support!
Happy weekend, all!
PS: I really need a vacation. Like a lay-on-the-beach-watch-the-waves-roll-in-sleep-until-noon-drink-pinia-coladas- kind of vacation. Like now.
Don't these monk seals seem happy?
Don't we look happy?
That's the magic of Hawaii.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Sunshine

I have not been having the best week. I've been feeling frustrated, upset, a little stressed.... plus I have been so busy working - which I realize is a good thing, but I haven't been able to spend as much quality time with my sweet ones. Hopefully we will get that time this weekend.

He's not happy I've been so busy...

They miss me :)

I am trying not to focus on the unpleasant things though. I choose to look to the bright spots in my life.
This year a goal of mine is to read through the Bible again. From cover to cover. As I was reading through Exodus I was struck by God coming to Moses again and again to talk to him. I thought, how awesome would it be to have God come to you to visit with you and talk to you; to choose you.
Then it occurred to me - He already has done all those things to me! No, He doesn't knock on my door and ask to come in and chat, but He chose me to be His child and He wants to speak to me through His word, and He wants me to talk to Him in prayer. And he wants me to listen. To be still and know he is God. And one day in heaven we will walk the streets of gold. Pretty amazing, huh?
Another bright spot is my little girl. Sometimes I just stare at her in complete awe that God saw fit to give her to us. Nothing compares to the sweet hugs, cuddles, and kisses, the excitement on her face when I walk in a room, hearing "mama" from my own baby girl! She has brought immeasurable joy into our lives after we had almost given up hope. I always wanted a large family but I almost feel greedy asking God for more babies when He has blessed us so greatly with this incredible miracle. Surely we don't deserve such a gift. I am thankful we serve a generous God.
I also am thankful to be able to work from home doing things that I love, and I am still here for my daughter. I haven't missed a thing and I love that!!
Here are a few pieces from my new line of flower jewelry and accessories.

Also, today is the last day for the watch sale and 1/2 price flowers - don't miss out!
And don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY in the post below!
What are some of your bright spots?