Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Thoughts

It's been a tough week for me and I'm feeling the need for another thankful list.
1. Isabella's great grandparents get to spend time with her now that they live here and it's so fun to see the joy she brings them!
2. Watching my 1 year old daughter try to wink at me. Hysterical!
3. Hot dates with my man. (We get to go out tomorrow, I'm soooo excited!! Any ideas on what we should do?)
4. Un-fake ( like my new word?) people who are honest and genuine.
5. A martini or 2 after too much drama....
6. Homemade chocolate peanut butter cups.
7. Knowing that God is in control even when life seems out of control.
8. Getting to work 2 jobs from home and really enjoy them both!
9. Good conversations with the ones I love.
10. Most of all I am so thankful that God chose me to be one of His children. I am so undeserving of His great love and forgiveness - it's a good thing His love is unconditional.
Are you feeling thankful for anything today?
I would like to introduce you to a new addition to Bella Regali.
Some of you are lucky enough to enjoy warm weather all year long, but here the winters are long and when spring comes we get excited! So here to celebrate sandal season are the new, fun and trendy ANKLETS!!
Like everything else in my shop they are unique, one of a kind, elegant yet funky, and designed and handmade by yours truly.
Did I mention they are making their debut at a special price just for this week?? ;)
Make one of these beauties part of your spring/summer wardrobe - you'll be glad you did!
And because it's Monday, it's time for this weeks deal.
Remember the rules: There's only one of each item, so if you like something please don't wait! These special items go quickly so make them yours before someone else snatches them up! The first one to checkout wins! :)
Because it's officially spring, and Easter is less than a week away, this weeks deal is extra special!
So if you've been eyeing this Pure Romance Necklace.....
and you've noticed how perfect it is with this White Flower Power Ring....

Or maybe you like this brand new 3 Flower Choker Necklace....

Maybe you're more of a hair bling kind of girl.
Check out the trendy combination of colors in this Pretty Petals Sari Silk Headband

And this appropriately named Happy Flower Barrette

Pick any flower item (they are all listed here in the Flower Sale section) and your second item is 1/2 price!! There are many styles and colors to choose from.
Order today to get your flowers before Easter!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!

This past week we had days in the high 60's! That was such a breath of fresh air - really! We got to spend some family time outside at the park, it was so nice :)
Frisbee with Daddy

First time down the slide with Daddy's help

She liked it so much she wanted to try again....

By herself!


Now down the big one with Daddy....

She LOVED it!
It was so nice to have some fun family time together!


Spring has also sprung at Bella Regali!

Like this lovely Teal and Chocolate Flower Necklace (I am in love with these colors!)
Absolute perfection with these Teal and Chocolate Earrings (at a bargain price, I might add)
Or take a gander at this beauty!

So elegant and a gorgeous companion to this White Flower Power Ring!

I adore purple! Check out this pretty flower:
Wear one on your finger and one in your hair (us girls have to coordinate)
There are so many new spring additions in my shop, please stop by and take a look! Lots of awesome Easter options!!
If you're interested in multiple items, email me at and we'll talk about discounts ;)

Happy Spring!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

What's Black and White and Always a Hoot?

I feel like I've been a bad blogger lately. You all leave such sweet comments and I have been terrible about returning the love. I really do appreciate you taking the time to read my ramblings and leave me comments. Your encouragement and kindness really means a lot to me. It's amazing what a kind word can do!
I am way behind on reading blogs, but I promise I will visit each and every one of you who stops by :)
Things have been crazy around here, as usual. But more on that another day.
Let's cut to the chase, shall we?
It's Monday. You know what that means, right?
Time for a bargain!
Today's featured items from Bella Regali are super bargain priced only until Saturday or until someone snatches them up! As always, these are one of a kind treasures, so if you like them you better make them yours before someone else does!
First is the Black and White Watch It is marked down to only $14.50!
Where else can you get an awesome one of a kind timepiece for that price??
It's a perfect watch because:
1. it's black and white so it goes with everything
2. you can wear it all year round
3. when your jeans don't fit, this will!
4. it's a bracelet that tells time
and oh yeah, it's a bargain!
I had to feature this next one too, because it's so perfect with the watch!
It's the Funky Owl Necklace Marked way down to $17.95!
This necklace is super trendy and it's a brand new item too!
Remember prices go back up Saturday, so don't wait!

Are you ready? (It's like a race - except it's fun because it's shopping! Whoever checks out first wins!)

Just don't try to put this little one in you shopping cart - she's not for sale! :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Things I am thankful for today:
1. We had another showing and it wasn't during nap time.
2. Since it was so warm and sunny, I took Isabella and the dog to the park instead of driving around during the showing.
3. Even though I have another migraine, I know it won't last forever. Thank goodness!
4. People change and disappoint me, but God will never change!
5. I can pray anywhere, anytime, and I know that God hears me.
6. His mercies are new every morning!!
7. I am thankful that easter means way more than a bunny and some chocolate.
8. Chocolate :)
9. Kisses and hugs from my little sweetie.
10. My faithful, loving husband.
11. People who are genuine and truthful.
12. Did I mention the warm sunny day??
What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Say FREE if You're Feeling Lucky!

Happy St Patty's Day, folks!
Just a quick post to share a little luck with you!
Everything Green at Bella Regali has been marked down. Way down!
Even if it has one lone green bead, it's on sale.
because it really is your luck day, I am shipping them all for FREE!!!
every purchase will include a FREE gift from me!!!
well, I can't give it all away.... there will be something extra tucked inside :)
Feeling lucky yet?
So even if you're not Irish, you have a reason to celebrate today!
Go here to find your pot of gold!
Oh, and this sale is only good today, so get em while you can!
Ps: Thanks for all the well wishes. We are finally on the mend :)

Here's a sampling of what's on sale!

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Reason to Look Forward to Monday

What a weekend!
After my last post we took Isabella to urgent care. She just didn't seem to be getting any better, and if she felt anywhere near as lousy as I did, I wanted to get her some relief!
I guess I looked and sounded pretty awful because when the nurse came in to see her, she told me I was next. I never go to the doctor when I'm sick. I've had the same gp for six years and I have never seen him.
But, it's a good thing we went this time. We both have strep and I'm pretty sure I have the flu as well. ICK. Hopefully we don't pass it on to the hubby - he needs to take care of us!


Well, it's Monday once again and that means it's time for this weeks deal from

In case you are new to my blog, here's how it works.

Each week I feature an item from my shop at a special low price. The deal is only good for a week or until someone else snatches it up. There is only one of each item so if you like it don't wait. :)

Usually I feature only one item but this week I am featuring my line of Flower Power Rings!

They are super bargain priced at only $9.95 each!
These are hot right now, so don't delay - get it while your fave color is still available! These are spring/summer essentials! Check out the coordinating headbands too :)

Good Luck!

(Also, if you make another purchase in addition to this weeks deal, shipping on additional items is free!)

Ready? Set? Go!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Free Friday?

I woke up today thinking it was Friday. I am pretty sick still, so I am going to blame it on that.
My man has to work this weekend, and the baby and I are sick, so I just wanted a nice quiet weekend at home. But, now we have more showings of our house booked. So now I must clean again and drive around with my dog and daughter for an hour while they come through.
I shouldn't complain. I am glad we are having so many showings, but why do they always want to come during nap time? Don't they know?
You know when you're a kid and you get sick, and you can just lay on the couch in your jammies all day watching movies and eating soup? Life just stops. You don't have to worry about anything.
I want to be a kid again. Just until I feel better. Ok?
Now remember how I thought today was Friday? Well, I was going to have a FREE SHIPPING FRIDAY on everything in my shop. Good idea right?
But it's not Friday. It's Thursday. I hate when that happens.
But because I really like you guys, and because I'm too sick to care that it's not actually Friday, I am doing it anyway. Free shipping Friday on Thursday! See, even my sales are one of a kind!
Everything at Bella Regali will ship for free until tomorrow (the real Friday) at 11:59 pm.
There are so many new baubles added just yesterday, like these:
(Please remember that I am sick. I know I look awful in the pictures. Just look at the jewelry, not me.)

I hope you all get a chance to snatch something up with free shipping!
Happy Friday! (or something like that)