Monday, January 24, 2011

They're Finally Here!

Thanks so much for all the great feedback! What would I do without your help?? :)
The overwhelming response was #3
with #2 coming in a close second

I have decided to use them both! 
I would be honored if you would like to display one on your blog! 
Take your pick :)
If you enjoy reading my blog, (even if you are a silent lurker who never comments) please take a button - you'll make my day! ;)

Thanks, sweet friends!

PS: Be sure to check out Pearls and Petals - I am giving away $5 to anyone who wants it! See here for the scoop! Just a little treat from me to you :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

I Need Your Help....Again!

You didn't know I was this indecisive, huh?
I can't make a decision to save my life. So I am calling upon my blog friends for some help!
I decided it's high time my blog had a button, so I finally sat down and made one. I mean two...errr five. Now I can't decide which one is best for my blog.
So here they are:

Cast your votes now!
 Let me know which one is your favorite.
 I sure hope you're all more decisive than me! :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Things I've Been Enjoying

*You all know by now that I am not a fan of the cold. However, snow sure is fun to play in when you have a 2 year old! 

I would play in the snow with you any day, my little snow angel!

**I came up with the idea for these cupcakes at Christmastime and I couldn't wait to make them! My taste testers gave them big thumbs up and said they tasted just like Fanny May Mint Meltaways! (One of my favorites!)

These Fudge Mint Truffle Cupcakes are a definite "make again"!

***I am loving bold, chunky jewelry right now, and this Vintage Golden Garden Necklace is at the top of my list of faves! 

I ran a special on Facebook this weekend and it was so fun, I want to do another one for all my blog friends! Here's how to play:

The first 10 people to place an order either on etsy @
or on Facebook via 
will win a FREE PIECE OF JEWELRY!!!! 
Plus if you shop on facebook at Pearls and Petals you will also receive FREE SHIPPING and and additional 15% off!! 
Hurry, the first 10 to checkout are the only ones who will win the FREE JEWELRY. 
Consider this an early Valentine from me to you!

****Another thing I am loving (and can never get enough of) is time with my little lady. She is talking up a storm and is so stinkin funny!
We like to tell each other secrets and giggle ;)

*****I am loving this new blog:
 It is written by two women who are wives and mothers, documenting a year in their marriages. It's very honest and real (and funny) and relatable. I love when people are open and willing to tell the truth about their lives instead of trying to convince everyone they are perfect. I wish more people were like these ladies! Go check them out!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

*Pure Deliciousness*

Pure deliciousness is the best way to describe these homemade treats.
I got this idea in my head, and even though I still had tons of treats left from Christmas, I had to make them!
No matter how many you make, you'll wish you made more. Trust me. So make a lot. :)
Here's how: 

Steph's Pure Deliciousness Cups

Step 1: Make some gooey caramel from scratch (you know, lots of butter and brown sugar...) or I suppose you can cheat and just melt down some caramels from the store (it just won't be as good, you've been warned). 

Step 2: Pour some of your favorite melted chocolate into a cupcake liner. I used silicone cups. You can just paint the chocolate on the bottom and up the sides a bit, but I like lots of chocolate, so I just poured it in! :)
 Step 3: Add a warm gooey (generous) spoonful of caramel over the chocolate layer.
 Step 4: Add a pretzel.  
 Step 5: Smother that unsuspecting pretzel with more delicious chocolate.
Step 6: Top with a garnish. I chose m&m's, but you could add just about anything!
Step 7: This is the hardest part of the whole thing. 
Stick them in the fridge and let them set. I know it's hard, but you can do it! It will be well worth the wait!
 Step 8: Peel them out of their restricting shells and devour. 
 You can thank me later. :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Addiction...Help!!

I can feel it coming on again.
It always does.
In the beginning, it's fresh, new, exciting - but eventually that wears off and I get the itch.
I'm never satisfied.
I keep coming back for more.
It's an addiction.

I'm talking about hair color.

My name is Stephanie and I am addicted to hair color!

I know I just changed to red, but now I'm used to it, which means I want to change it again!
Good thing I'm a professional.  With an addiction like this, I'd be paying thousands of dollars a year to feed my habit. 
The only question is....
what color should I do next?? Help!
I've already had just about every color, so I'm not afraid to do something drastic! I once went from blonde to black. Jet black. I have no fear. Ha!

What do you think I should do next? Soon you'll be seeing my roots, so I need ideas!
 Thoughts??   :)

Monday, January 3, 2011


I'm back. 
Without meaning to, I took a couple weeks off from my blog and my shops. These are things that I enjoy, but they take time away from my two favorite people, and unfortunately sometimes they take away from time I should be spending in the Word. 

Over the last few years I have been made more and more aware of the fact that we don't know how much time we will have with the ones we love. I'd hate to look back, years from now, and say "I sure wish I spent more time with ____ rather than all the time I put into blogging, or stocking up my shops, or anything else that doesn't really matter in the end. 
Don't get me wrong, I am still going to blog, and I am still designing new gems, but I am being more careful about when I do these things. 
We may not ever be blessed with another child, and our little Bella is already TWO. Time is flying and I want to soak in every second. When she takes her tiny hand and grabs mine saying "Come, Mama! Dance!" I intend to do just that.  When she just wants me to hold and snuggle her or draw pictures of fishies for the thousandth time - I will. Everything else can wait.

I have a lot of new exciting things I have been working on that I hope to share with you real soon. So I will see you during nap time, and at bedtime, and when my man is at work, and after I've spent time with the One who has given me this time in the first place...