So Monday was the big 20 week ultrasound. Every time we get to see our babies I am on a super high for quite a while. It is so amazing to see what God is knitting together inside me. It's still hard for me to believe I am actually pregnant with these precious twins. Talk about miracles!!
Baby A
Baby B
Everything seemed to be ok, but I got a call this morning from my doctor saying I need to go back for a repeat ultrasound. I didn't get any details except that they need to take another look at baby A's heart. I am just praying that everything is ok. I don't like getting scary calls like that. I also don't like when the ultrasound tech takes 2 hours to do the ultrasound (not kidding) and has to bring in a few different people to look at my babies.... There is nothing more I can do than pray. I know they are in God's hands and I am trusting Him too keep them safe!
On a happy note, we found out the sexes of the babies!
I know you all will hate me, but we are not spilling the beans yet!! Not even our families know. You'll find out soon enough ;)
Now we have to start thinking of names, shopping for the nursery, all that fun stuff. So exciting!
Lastly, here is a peek at me at 20 weeks. Fat and happy, lol!
I'm playing a guessing game with my facebook friends called "If you didn't already know, how far along would you think I am?". Risky, I know. I think I look more like 32 weeks...but I am having twins! :)