Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's Tough Being A Girl

I love being a girl.
I love dressing up, wearing make up and jewelry (duh), talking to friends for hours, giggling about nothing, shopping, and all the other fun girly stuff.
I hope my daughter grows up to be super girly like me. I have a fear that since I am so much of a girl, she will rebel and be a tomboy..... please no!!
Anyway, these are a pair of shoes I recently bought for her.
I could not resist them! White sparkly crocheted shoes with ribbons and bows, oh my!
I got her looking all fancy and then I put the shoes on and we went to church. Gradually she became more and more upset. When we picked her up from the nursery they said she had been crying for a while.
She was very unhappy.
Then my hubby noticed that she kept pulling at her feet. So we took the shoes off thinking maybe they were hurting her.
Poor child. She had a purple ring around her foot where the shoes were. I felt terrible for making her wear them.
She hasn't yet learned that sometimes beauty is pain.

On another note, I am working on a giveaway and I'm wondering if I should have a few smaller giveaways so more of you can win, or just combine them into one. What do you think?

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Big News!!!!

Hmmm, it seems you all have a one track mind!
I hate to disappoint but the news is NOT that I'm pregnant. This news will not make me throw up every 5 minutes. It will not keep me up all night. It will not make me drop 15 lbs because I'm too sick to eat. It will not send me to the ER every other day.... you get the idea. (In case you couldn't tell, I had quite an eventful pregnancy with my daughter. Though I'm not complaining; she was worth every bit of it!)
I digress.
Are you ready?
I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't tell you.
Ha! Just kidding! :)
Drumroll please.....
I have decided that free time is overrated and have branched out and opened not 1 but 2 new shops!!!
I have loved every minute creating, shopping, and designing for my first shop Bella Regali
I have been blown away by the positive response to my shop, and have been thrilled to see people shop and then come back for more! It's been terrific! So don't worry all you faithful BR shoppers - this one's staying put!

My 2nd shop is called It's A 10
It has a bit of everything. Jewelry, hair accessories ( for babies too!), and various gifty items.
Oh, and did I mention that everything in the shop is $10 or less?
All. the. time!
This is an excellent place to buy gifts or shop for yourself when you don't have much cash. Or maybe you just like a good deal. Who doesn't? It's all made with high quality materials and just as much love as everything else I make. No scrimping here. It really is an honest good deal!

And my 3rd shop is called Pearls and Petals
This is where you will find super feminine flower goodies! Belts, necklaces, rings, headbands, hair clips, and whatever else strikes my fancy!
My newest creations are the belts and rings - so feminine, but super fun!

So there you have it! I am still working on getting more goodies into the shops, but this is a start! I am super duper excited about these shops. I truly love designing pieces that are unique and special, and let's face it, it's really fun to own something that no one else has, right?? (And as always, I am happy to take requests for custom orders!) Just click on the shop's names to check them out, then come back here and tell me what you think!

Because Bella Regali will no longer be carrying flower goodies, the few pieces that are still there now are on special for my followers. Buy 1 get 1 for$3.33. That's like 70% off. Why $3.33? Because I am celebrating my 3 shops, that's why. So get 'em while you can! Click here to get to the flower sale!
***Double Bonus***
Anyone who places an order and mentions my blog at checkout will get *lots* of extra brownie points for my next surprise...

Did someone say GIVEAWAY???

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Super Bargain and Fun News!

I usually post these super bargains on Mondays, but as you can see I am running a little behind. Oh well. Better late than never, right?
Super bargains are just as fun on Thursdays. :)
This one is a HUGE markdown. The best deal yet. Ready???
Original price was $23.95 but now it's only $12.50!!! This is no joke! You better hurry if you want this beauty - I have a sneaking suspicion it won't last long.
It's sexy, unique, and only 12.50!! Where else can you get that!

And remember, free shipping on additional orders if you snatch up this necklace!
(Don't forget about Mothers Day!!!)

Oh yeah, I said there was fun news too, huh?
It is fun news.
I'm super excited!
I can't wait to tell you....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Skinny Jeans

Skinny jeans.
I never thought I'd wear them. I thought I would look awful in them, so up until a few months ago I never even gave them a chance.
But you know what? I finally tried some on and I LOVED them! I really thought that unless you weigh like 12 lbs you probably shouldn't be wearing them. But they are my new favorite style of jeans to wear.
So I gave in and bought a pair a few months ago, and I wore them all the time. But recently I started noticing that they aren't so skinny anymore. In fact I could take them off and pull them on without even unbuttoning them. I don't think that's how skinny jeans are supposed to fit.
So I set out on a mission to find a new pair.
Does anyone else hate jean shopping? It seems nearly impossible to find a pair that looks great and actually fits well right off the rack.
But I got lucky! The very first pair I tried on fit like a dream which is awesome because one year olds don't really have the patience to go to store after store trying on a million pairs.
And bonus - they are a size smaller (must be all the chocolate I've been eating).
But I've also noticed trying on some clothes from last spring that those are all too big too. Oh well, guess I'll just have to buy new clothes. Aw Shucks!
Now I pose to you a style question. What shoes do you wear with your skinny jeans in the spring? You can't wear boots anymore and I kind of think flats look weird. Wedges? Heels? What do you think my fellow fashionistas?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

You Asked For It!

You guys are so sweet! I have received so many sweet emails and comments lately and it really brightens my day! I have the best followers/friends :)
Now since the people have spoken I will continue the weekly super bargain posts. Starting now.
This Gold Treasure Necklace is one of my favorite designs.

It's funky yet elegant. Bold yet delicate. Colorful yet classy. You just can't go wrong with this one!
The super bargain price is only $17.95 that's a major price cut from $24.95! But it's only good this week or until someone buys it - whichever comes first. Then the price goes back up!
As an added bonus, if you purchase this treasure and decide you want something else too, you will not pay shipping on any other items you buy. Which means it's a good time to get that mother's day gift for your mama (or for yourself if your husband is shopping illiterate) or just get more goodies for yourself!
You may want to check out these Bali Inspired Earrings

They are not an exact match to the necklace, but they are a lovely compliment. Of course I can always design a perfect match for you if you prefer :)
Remember free shipping on additional items when you purchase the deal of the day!
Good luck!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mommy is a Hairstylist

Many of you who have been following me for awhile know that I am a hair stylist. I get to work from home in the salon my hubby made for me, and I love it! It's such a fun job.
But I have been putting off cutting my daughter's hair for quite some time.
Well, I finally gave in and decided that a nice bang trim was all she needed to avoid looking like a ragamuffin any longer. (Plus it would help her see better!)
I thought it would be fun to do Mommy daughter hair cuts. We both got bangs.
(My man was sweet enough to take pictures and video the whole time.)
Here are our before pictures.

She is extremely silly - I love it! :)
I will not force you to watch the video, but I will tell you that she was a very good girl. She was so thrilled to be sitting in the big salon chair all by herself that she held still the whole time!
Here we are afterwards with our snazzy new bangs.

She was very happy with her first salon experience.

We had a blast! She is so much fun!

pppssstt.... remember in my last post I said I was "ouch, my eyes" white? I wasn't kiddin!
Now on another note, I would really like your input on something. Pretty please??
For awhile there I was pretty much mostly blogging about my shop, and though no one said anything about it I thought maybe it was too much. I don't know how many of you really care!
So here's where I need to hear your thoughts. Would you like for me to still post when I have a sale, or add fun new designs? And did you like when I would offer the weekly super bargain items?
I don't want this to be a blog about my jewelry, but it is a big part of my life. Do you want me to occasionally post about any of these things?
Give it to me straight, I can take it :)
And thanks for hanging in there with me these past 4 months of blogging!

Monday, April 12, 2010


We have been lucky enough to enjoy several warm sunny days recently, and I couldn't be happier! However, I have a problem.
I am white. Like REAL white. Like "Ouch, my eyes!" white. I never go to tanning beds because I don't want cancer. Strange, I know. I usually use tanning lotions, or sprays, but they almost always streak, and they smell funny.
Does anyone know of a great self tanning product that won't make me orange and stripey? I really need some help! :)
Until I find a solution, I will stick to long skirts and jeans so as not to hurt anyone.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Girls Being Girls

So a few days ago I was giving myself a pedicure. When I got around to painting my nails, my curious little girl came over to take a look.
She crouched down next to me and pointed at my toes. "What's that?" she asked.
"It's nail polish, Isabella. It helps make toes pretty!" I told her.
She the proceeded to take the bottle from me and tried to paint her own nails. So even though she's only 1, I figured it's never too early to learn how to be girly! So I painted her nails.

My husband wasn't too thrilled when he got home from work.
"Is my daughter wearing nail polish??" He asked is disbelief.
"Yes", I replied, "isn't it the cutest?"
He was not convinced that 16 months is a proper age to have painted nails.
Oh well, us girls like it! :)

For those of you who haven't yet given me you email, please do so soon if you would like to continue reading my blog. Thanks, friends! (see previous post for details.)
Also, any comments left that include your address I will not publish to protect your privacy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Date, A Concert, And an Announcement

Last week I felt spoiled.
Me and my love got not one but two date nights!!!

I am so thankful for my mother in law and my favorite brother who took care of Isabella while we went out on the town. They are good people :)
Friday night some friends came into town and we all went to the city to see INGRID MICHAELSON (eeeekk!!) and Matt Kearney in concert. I am a huge Ingrid fan. I just love her.

It was a blast.
A word to the wise: it's not the greatest idea to go all day without eating (that was accidental, I just forgot to eat) and then stand for 3 1/2 hours during a concert with a bar..... Or maybe just avoid the bar. Whatever.
Fun fun fun.
Ok, now for the announcement.
I think I want to make my blog private. If you are a follower (or if you don't follow but you read my bog) and you would like to continue to doing so, please let me know ASAP. I will need your email address to invite you to follow, so please send me an email at or if you feel comfortable doing so you can just leave me a comment here that includes your email address. Thanks, friends. I hope you all will continue on this journey with me!

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Day to Celebrate

I love Resurrection Sunday a.k.a Easter, but this year felt different.
I missed Palm Sunday last week, and I also missed the Good Friday service at church. I usually have this great feeling of anticipation leading up to Easter Sunday. After hearing a sermon describing Christ's great sacrifice, His pain and suffering, and His death, I just can't wait for Sunday to celebrate the Son's victory over death. His resurrection!! Proving to the world that He is Savior!
Although I missed out on hearing the sermons leading up to Sunday, I know the story, and there is much to rejoice in on Easter Sunday (and every day). I cannot comprehend the love God has for us, and I don't understand why Christ would so willingly give up His life for us in such a horrific way for a sinner like me; but I am so thankful!
That being said, I don't know how I feel about the whole easter egg hunt/easter baskets/gifts thing. Now that we're parents we need to decide how we want to celebrate these holidays as a family. I get so annoyed how people obsess over getting new "easter clothes" and buying silly presents for their kids. I know it's all in good fun, but I want to make sure our little family always celebrates the resurrection - not the easter bunny and his loot. I guess it's all about finding the right balance. How do you celebrate??
Here are a few pictures from our day yesterday.
Our little family

I made some cupcakes per my mother in law's request!
Enjoying her very first easter bunny chocolate lollypop - she ate it all.
Mama and daughter....
....with matching hair flowers of course!
Trying to get a good picture with Isabella and her cousins
Please ignore my daughter's gang signs....
I hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating our risen savior!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

No (april) Fool's Here!

I have about a million things to post about, but I never have enough time! So for now they are being stored in my mind and hopefully I will get to them soon. We've been having fun around here :)
It's April Fool's day. I'm not a big practical joker, but I remember being a kid and it was a big deal. Everyone played pranks on everyone else. My dad enjoyed fooling us quite a bit too. Sometimes he took it too far - I really believed him so he just kept on going. Eventually I learned to look at my mom with questioning eyes to see if I was being tricked. I always was.
I promise I won't fool you today ;)
It's in the 80's here and I am in heaven! I will be soaking it in as much as I can because I know it won't last. It will probably snow next week.
Bella Regali is 5 months old now and going strong! I am so thankful!!
I have been working like mad lately on custom jewelry orders It is so much fun for me though, so I'm happy! Hopefully they will keep on coming!
I've also been working on new designs like these ultra feminine vintage lace necklaces. They are so light and airy - perfect for warm weather.
What do you think??

Don't forget about the BOGO 1/2 off sale going on now here. (New lace necklaces are included!!) Sale ends Sunday, don't miss out!
(In case you've never taken part in one of these sales before here's how it works. Choose the items you want, checkout, and pay. You will pay the full price. After payment is made, you will immediately get a refund via paypal for your 50% off items. There is no limit to how many you can get at 1/2 price.)