Thursday, May 13, 2010

I have nothing fantastical to say today.
What I do have are lots of pictures of new treasures for your shopping pleasure, and a reminder that my fundraising for my brother and his girlfriend is ending this Saturday. So if something catches your eye or strikes your fancy, please don't wait! Get it now while it's still available and the money will go to help my favorite brother! (See my previous post for more details.)
What I am about to show you is a mere sampling of what's available. There are tons more options for you to chose from in my 3 shops. Click on the name of the item to see more details and visit the shop in which it resides.
Here are some jewels featuring the hottest colors this season: teal/turquoise and brown.

My new love is vintage inspired jewelry. To me it just looks so romantic!

(These are my new faves!)

Many of these items are on sale, and most of them have coordinating pieces. There's tons more I don't have pictured, you'll just have to visit my shops! Remember you can shop anytime but the fundraising ends Saturday!!
Pin It!


Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

i love the vintage lace and pearl necklace :) so pretty

beckylbranch said...

beautiful! beautiful! I love the petals and pearl nice!

chelsea rebecca said...

i'm loving the headband and the blue flower ring!! so adorable!

Kel said...

Wow! Those are beautiful. I especially love that flower ring!

LeAnna said...

Loooooove the boho necklace!!!! Gorgey porgey!

joeandbridge said...

Good Afternoon! Happy FF!
Have a Great Weekend!

Bridgette Groschen
Groschen Goblins

Q, La, and Gooner said...

Love the boho earrings! Awe, SUCH cute stuff!!! You are so creative; I just love love love it!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous items

Visiting from Friday Follow and following you now on GFC as Thrifty Canucks.
If you can, check out my blog and follow too

Anonymous said...

Im having a bracelet swap and it ended yesterday but some more people have entered and I would love you to join if you can.......I pick you a partner you tell me what kind you want/like and i will send it to your partner...and then tell you what she me at with your address and what you want/like and partner you up!!! You can go to my blog to read more about it! Would love it if you joined to!!

alexis nicole said...

I am so going to check out your Etsy Shop, everything is so BEAUTIFUL! I loved the vintage lace and pearl necklace.

Laura said...

What beautiful pieces!! I love the vintage lace.
I'm hosting a giveaway and I'd love it if you stopped by!

Laura @ along for the ride